
12 DAYS WITH GOD – DAY 12, Final Day. (15th Jan 2023)

We bless God Almighty who had given us the grace to start well and finishing strong.

Today, 15th January 2023 is the last day of our 2023 annual 12 days of covenant fasting and prayers with God.

No doubt; indeed we have all been gigantically and tremendously blessed, and I pray and I know it (The blessings) will start to manifest in the lives of all the participants and in our church as a whole in Jesus name.

Meanwhile, our prayer focus today shall be revelational and dimensional, I mean we shall pray on what God revealed and some other things as God lead.

Today, we shall intensify prayers for those that want to be married.

We might not be able to enumerate all the prayer points here, just pray for them as you are led but few shall be listed

Let us pray (1st for those that want to marry)
1. Pray that God shall cause them to marry their bones of bones and flesh of flesh, their friends not their enemies.

2. Pray that God shall give them a discerning spirit and lead them not to make the wrong choice but the right choice.

3. God may lead, but will they accept? Let’s pray that God should let them be obedient to the voice and directions of God in choosing their life partners in Jesus name.

4. Every power, battle, or spirit anywhere, working against them to marry right, should die by consuming the fire of God in Jesus name.

5. Pray, whether they like it or not, let the will of God be fulfilled in their marriages in Jesus name.

6. Pray that God should by his mercy, chase away, out of their lives, characters that send good people faraway. No good individual will marry a proud, arrogant, quarrelsome, or lazy person.

If it is good for them, we shall all be happier.


Let’s pray for our church, Global Revival Ministry (GLORM).

1. Father, let your time come for this church to be fully established for the purpose of her creation this year 2023 in Jesus name.

2. Let God bring workers like God’s soldiers to execute the reason for her creation in Jesus mighty name.

3. Let God open financial help towards the ministry from in and out of ministry in Jesus name.

4. Oh Lord! let 2023 be our year of divine enlargement in Jesus name

5. God as He has been doing, should continue to make our ministry a solution centre, so that problems brought should not go unsolved.

7. Signs and wonders that will save the world should happen in our church in Jesus name.

8. God should make us the true way to heaven by saving billions of souls through this ministry in Jesus name. Yes! there is nothing God can not do. He can use us beyond our dreams, and he will do it in Jesus name, Amen.

9. Upon every member, true pentecostal power and fire 🔥 should come that we all may serve God with ease in Jesus name.

10. Now tell God, Lord, even me, use me like a mighty SOLDIER in this ministry, to fulfill your purpose selflessly in Jesus name
You can pray more for GLORM


Prayer on what God revealed!

God shew me a revelation in relevance to the theme of this year’s programme.

Send us thy true pentecostal power now, Oh Lord!!!
This revelation I believe will not be for only GLORM but for all real/true Church of God globally.

On Friday 13th, January 2023. 10th day of our 12 days of covenant fasting and prayer with God.

I saw fire being ignited in a primitive way; matches and all other new days of igniting fire were Abandoned!

I was there looking at the process in disgust! What ‘nonsense’ is this, was the thought on my mind! It was being performed in different ways even on the objects…

The vision was repeated in another dimension.
I was standing on one side with a lorry (pick up) loaded, some people (men) 2, 3 or 4 were on the other side, igniting fire on object as well in a primitive way like the other one.

It got to a time I saw the same “pick up” lorry with them and they were igniting the lorry in same old way, it disgusted me…!

Meanwhile, I was made to understand I needed to do the same with my lorry to work. I mean, I was made to understand that the vehicle I wanted to use to carry the loads has to get started by this means, I mean to kick the vehicle I must use that local and old way form. I was like, I can’t use this system for this heavy load, it wouldn’t work, it would be stressful. That was what my response was, but the people were cool, not showing any wrath at all, with fresh, Calm, and loving faces, they continued demonstrating how it will work on their side.

Suddenly without any stress it worked against my thought, I was somehow ashamed for looking down on the system initially!

Brethren, I didn’t take it seriously until I started to pray and the spirit of God started to remind me of the theme of this 12 days programme in relevance to that revelation, and then it came to my spiritual senses.

Brethren, what is the meaning of the revelation?
Remember I saw a lorry with me loaded, the bible says we are on pilgrimage here, we are going back home someday either by rapture or when each time of sojourning is over. So the loaded lorry, a carrier to heaven, needed an old way of faith and serving the Lord to lead us home, as well as to be able to discharge beautifully, our God-given assignment well before our departure!

Brethren in faith all over the world, (for this is not only for GLORM) if we must experience a TRUE PENTECOSTAL FIRE 🔥 AS OF OLD in all churches of God
Then we need to go back to the old system of serving God.

Our Messages, songs, characters, relationship, commitments etc must be like that of ancient times.

Remember, truly God is never modernised, it is we that are being modernized along with the world, I believe this doesn’t go well with the Almighty.
I have a lot to say here but the time, I believe if Jesus tarries, I will release more later. But please pray for yourself, your church, and others on this matter.

Let all church leaders take it more seriously.
We are the ones driving the lorry, God said. We must go back to igniting the fire in our lorry in the old way.

We can go back and study not only the bible but the character of great men of God of ANCIENT TIMES. Both white and black
Such as Ayo Babalola and John Alexander Dowie etc. Those who totally abandoned all for Jesus, perhaps you are prepared for this, then rise up and let follow old ways.

Let us pray

1. Father returns us back to this old system by your grace.

2. Lord Remove my mind from worldly things and fix it with heavenly things.

3. Apostle Paul said in Phil:3:7-8

📖But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

📖Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.

Pray, oh Lord, let me be able to scrape off all attachments disturbing me from serving you faithfully like apostle Paul in Jesus name.

4. Henceforth, let me be able to put you 1st in all I do.

5. In the time of the man apostle Dowie, he shut down a hospital with his healing ministries, and they rose against him.
Unfortunately, no organisation today is feeling the existence of the power of God like in ancient times.

6. Cry now and say, father, ignite me with the ancient fire of the holy ghost that the world may feel your mighty presence again.

7. One of the women of God of the ancient time, Maria Ete, brought the nation to stand still in her time. Say, Lord, let my presence be felt mightily now in working for you through the holy ghost.

8. Apostle Ayo Babalola sent demons on the run and ruined many evil ancient trees that abore evil in his time. Say, Lord, return to us, as you did with this one in their time as we seek you again in Jesus name.

9. Say, God, don’t allow my zeal and love for you to dry or go down again but let it rise until I shall be totally lost in you in Jesus name.

10. Brethren pray more on this matter as you are led. I have revealed it and explained it. Now, start to pray in spirit as God lead you.

  • Pray for yourself and your family with the theme.
  • Prophesy now into the month of December 2023, that all good things in the month of December shall be yours and your household and all the evil shall not be yours in Jesus mighty name.

Congratulations! Happy completion of the year 2023 twelve days annual fasting and prayers.

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