
Manna from Above – Day 30

By the grace of God, Today we shall be praying on family matters. It had been our custom that at anytime we raise alter of prayer, we don’t joke with engaging our family or families…

1.I pray it shall be well graciously with global Revival Ministry as a family in Jesus name

2. It shall be well with all our associates global families, friends & relatives in Jesus name

3. It shall be well with all Christians family worldwide in Jesus name
Gal. 6:10 &

4 It shall be well with all families in the world ijn.

Meanwhile, as I have always said, families come together made up the universe. From our villages to towns, then to cities, state, country, continents , then universe….

So individual families means a lot to the world

( we can’t discuss that today, meanwhile we have prayed above for families segmentally)

Gen: 1:26…..God formed man to make up the universe….

However, we shall pray for ourselves today in series..

Our children, husband, wives, Marriages once again etc as spirit leads..
That all should be in good health in Jesus name.
That our family should be wonderful, mighty, great, & free from all satanic, aggression, oppression, confusion & intrusion in Jesus name .Amen

Let us pray …..

1. Let us from the bottom of our hearts bow down ( you can go on your knees if you can) & worship our best lover, maker, our king over this program since we started. 30 days ago, it’s done already.
A. Let us sow him praise for nothing bad happened to any of us since we started.
B. Let us appreciate him over what we believe by faith he has done, doing & will do ijn.

2. Let us pray that God let your peace reigns in all our families, peace on our children, wives & husband. Let all our homes be A HOME OF PEACE. Jn: 14:27

3. Father, we brought to you today as a family the issue of the yet unmarried men & women among us & beyond.

Psalm: 34:10..
Let it work against : Isaiah:4:1. In the lives of our women in Jesus name. That it will not be hard for them to see their husband, even a good one in Jesus name.

4. Our men as well must not marry their enemies as their wives like Samson in Jesus name…

5 let us call the names of Jesus & say “You demons, generational courses, spell or whatever working against the marriage of people in the world today;

In all areas, we block you by the blood of Jesus never to come near our marriages in Jesus name.

No more blocking women from getting married & no divorce in Jesus mighty name.

6. Oh Lord, raise our children to the top , in all their endeavours, make them rulers so it can be easy for us….in Jesus name.

Lord; even by making them rulers they shall affect the world positively in Jesus name

7.Father, you said in your words that if anyone lacks wisdom let him ask from God .
Lord, I bring my children (mention their names) to your present today, give them wisdom, knowledge & understanding to excell in all areas of their discipline in Jesus name

8. We reject anything call sickness , death over any member of our family in Jesus name

9.We thank you Lord, over what you have always done by protecting us, our daddy Mighty God, continue to allow your presence to be around us anywhere we are in Jesus name.
Be with our children in their schools & where ever they will be…

Be with us every where in Jesus name

10. Father, please prosper us enormously, bless us that we shall lack nothing henceforth, send us helpers oh Lord that we may even have more than enough to cater for ourselves & serve you in Jesus name

11. Above all, let us as a family love you more than gold or anything in life,….

12. Let our children be in your presence like Samuel, who recognised the voice of God right from his childhood…
Let them love you & serve you as such..

13.Let them also love, respect , obey God & we their parent, that they might prosper in life ijn

Pray more for family on your own, Amen.


A.Start to mention different ways you want God to send or rain this manna into your lives & destinies…

B. Manna shall fall….for our uplifting in Jesus name

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