I saw a new Nigeria that was represented in the world map with Letter NN Meaning; “New Nigeria”.
Although I love this Nigeria present government before, but for a while now I had lost interest in it due to the pains people are experiencing back home.
God’s way many a times is not our ways…I am not really speaking in support of any government but I am saying this as to ascertain it’s what I received I am releasing regardless of anybody,group or government!!!
I saw this present government, President Buhari was there somewhere inside; I saw V.P Osibanjo arranging some national document near a green box ( symbolising Nigeria) on a table placed in an open hall in government house…(I wouldn’t know what this means but I am saying what I saw).
I saw a new Nigeria in this revelation where both youth and poor are happy….I saw young ones even from rural areas hopping out for joy!
I was made to see a new nation where corruption was indeed became an history.
In this new Nigeria, the government was cool and calm; both old and young, expecially the poor ones are happy all over because they are all involved in this new Nigeria.
The message was given on 18:10:2019. I only penned it down, I never like publishing such messages ;I believed they are kind hard to come to pass messages. In contrary I ‘ve been having a guilt in my mind; that; I am a messenger, either it will come to pass or not hangs on the revealer of the message not me! my duty as a messenger is to deliver the message that I received, it’s only him(God) that knows what to do next; ezek:33….”Warn the house of Israel so you will not be guilty of their blood….” that is why I am publishing the message today; 25:10:2019….
I saw a new nation with advanced mechanical farming system…I indeed saw irrigation farming! to keep crops growing even when there is no rain!
I saw A New Nation marked in world Map with letter NN along with an incorruptible and selfless masses loving government!
I saw all arms of government working in love with the masses.
In this new Nigeria ,the government was brought very close to people. People and government became one big loving family just like other developed nations of the world
Meanwhile; I wouldn’t know when this would be, but I saw a new nation in peace and love where selfishness and corruption were put to rest, they became dead and people rejoice all over the country, expecially youth in an undeveloped areas were seeing hopping out joyously!
This i know; prophecy may delay;but must definitely come to pass.
Indeed in a clear godly Message; God who owns the future reveal a new nation identified inside WORLD MAP WITH Letter NN
This present Nigeria was no more; both young and adult, male and female; virtually everybody stop to call the name Nigeria but all are enthusiasticically calling Nigeeria by a new name saying: NEW NIGERIA! New Nigeria!! New Nigeria everywhere !!!
I don’t know when this will come to pass but I warn every man and woman to be careful not to distop God’s move, God will always have his way when he’s ready.
If the red Sea could not stop God’s children from crossing to their promise land, definitely there is no single or multiple force or forces of men that can stop God from having his way; he is not a man that is stopable!
Let all Nigeria strong men and women be warned not to distop God’s move in that country….Let every family be carefully not to go down for God to have his way…..
Let all government functionaries beging to prepare to let God has his way to bring to pass a new nation called;
Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? Lam:3:37…
When he says it comes to pass…!
He removed the whole idol worshippers of the Land of canaan; and placed his people there to serve him…
If God say he has heard the cry of his people and he wanted to bring A new Nigeria,then Let no one try to stand on his way,
Pharaoh try it; he perished with all his host in the red sea; the story is still relevant till date….
Where everybody will be happy with Government,and corruption and all other evil vices shall be no more!!!
Where people living in rural and urban areas will rejoice and be happy again..
A new Nation Nigeria I saw will not be after us ijn…..
Meanwhile this write ups is not composition but a prophetic message from God.
A new Nigeria I saw!
A new nation I saw!!
We shall all witness it ijn…