OUR PRAYER TODAY SHALL FOCUS ON WAITING UPON THE LORD : Act 1:1-14 What does it mean to wait upon the Lord? In the scriptures, the word wait means to hope, to anticipate, and to trust. To hope and trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, longsuffering, keeping the commandments, and enduring to […]
Today’s prayer focus: Divine intervention Esther 9: 1-30, Act 12: 1-18 Everybody needs divine intervention, a life without God’s mercy will be a striving and struggling one. Divine intervention is a time when God Arises and Fights for you or comes to your rescue. Paul and Silas received this in prison and they got their […]
TODAYS SHALL BE FOCUSED ON: THE RIGHT PEOPLE/ NEW IDEAS/ NEW VISION AND DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. I have read the whole chapter of the book of Exodus many times; but you know God’s word brings new inspiration everyday. This time when I got to the last two chapters, the Lord struck my mind with a new […]
OUR PRAYER TODAY SHALL BE FOCUSED ON SALVATION: Matt: 6:28-33, John 3:3. The Bible in Mark 8:36 says What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole wide world and lost his soul. Also; John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only son… so that we might […]
Todays prayer shall be focused on dealing with every hopeless situation in our lives. EZEK 37:1-5 CAN THESE BONES LIVE? The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. And caused […]
Today’s prayers shall be based on Marriage and family. The importance of Marriage and Family can not be taken un-serious in every area of our lives. Talking about marriages and families, we are talking about what made up, the world, continents, countries, states, local governments, towns, and villages. Now this means when there is no […]
We shall be praying on the topic: GOD THAT DOES THE UNIMAGINABLE THINGS: JER: 32:27, Matt:19:26, Luk:1:37. Talking about the only God that can do all things without any exception, its only God whose name is called Jehovah Lord of lords; Let no one says there are no other gods; indeed there are other gods. […]
Yes! it’s time for it for a great revival, a manifestation of the glory of God and we ourselves being completely fortified against all harassment from Lucifer and his Demons and their men and women of the coven, we shall be totally free from them in Jesus name. Amen. Therefore today we shall cry specifically […]
PRAYER FOCUS FOR TODAY: TOTAL FREEDOM FROM ALL OPPRESSIONS BOTH PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL Text: Rev 12:11. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the words of their testimony. One of the reasons why Jesus came, was to give us total liberation from darkness to light, slavery to Freedom, sorrow to […]
It is the Lord’s command and our interest to go into spiritual exercise at the beginning of every year, the bible said; in Matt;17:21.without fasting and prayer these things will not be, there are definitely some situations in our lives, some mountains and as well some spiritual ladder we may not be able to move […]