
12 DAYS WITH GOD – DAY 1 (4th Jan 2023)

It is the Lord’s command and our interest to go into spiritual exercise at the beginning of every year, the bible said; in Matt;17:21.without fasting and prayer these things will not be, there are definitely some situations in our lives, some mountains and as well some spiritual ladder we may not be able to move or climb without fasting and prayers.

Therefore, today, being the 4th day of Jan 2023 we are starting our annual 12 days fasting and prayer whereby a day stands for a month. We shall raise our voices to ask from God what we want for ourselves and our families and to reject what we don’t want in 2023. It’s covenant prayers.

My Testimonies and church testimonies over last year’s programme can not be numbered over our lives, families and the church; God performed his wonders over every family. Ranges from sound health, job securing, approval of residence permit and other related documents, and deliverances; just to mention a few.

Therefore, today, being the 1st day is to praise God and thank Him for what He did last year, so he can do more this year, and as well to ask for grace and strength to observe the programme this year to the end.


1. Father I thank you for making me and my family land safely in the year 2023.

2. Father I thank and praise you over known and unknown wonders you have done in my life.

3. In everything, we should thank God. Says the word of God. Let us say. God, we thank you; not just to say
thanks, but as well, over what I can see around.

4. God, thank You for my job, health, profession, children etc.

5. Almighty, thank You for the salvation of my soul, that you didn’t allow me to lose.

6. Let us say God we thank you for upholding GLOBAL REVIVAL MINISTRIES till now despite all the storms.

7. Thank God for the feeding shelter and as well thank him for other things we have not mentioned.

8. God, give me the grace and strength to observe this programme till the end without distraction.

9. God, to you everything is possible, help me to be strong to start and finish this programme.

10. Lord, cause me to see and hear you in these 12 days in Jesus Name.

11. Oh my God, now and before the end of this programme, give me more reasons to praise you as I obey you in Jesus name.

12. Use this year’s theme to pray, Oh lord I pray, from now, let your true pentecostal power like that which fell on apostle in ACT 2:1-4 and 14…; Now fall upon me that I may become a new person for you just as it had happened to them in Jesus name.


Oh Lord, I declare to you; January, hear the word of the Lord; I claim every good thing in you for me and my family, the church of God and loved ones, and I reject every evil therein in Jesus name. Amen.

God bless you all and happy fasting period!



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