
12 DAYS WITH GOD – DAY 10 (13th Jan 2023)

Act 1:1-14

What does it mean to wait upon the Lord? In the scriptures, the word wait means to hope, to anticipate, and to trust.

To hope and trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, longsuffering, keeping the commandments, and enduring to the end.

Waiting on the Lord may be one of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life. When Jesus promised that he would return, he instructed his followers to wait. That is easier said than done. So what do we do in the meantime? What do we do while we wait we need to understand what to do while waiting on Jesus’ return.

I. Waiting on the Lord requires patience and trust

Waiting means that we give God the benefit of the doubt and that he knows what He is doing

Waiting is God’s way of seeing if we will trust him before we move forward

II. Waiting on God reminds us that God is in control

Waiting reminds me that I am not in charge

Waiting reminds me that I am not God

III. Waiting on the Lord allows God to do his work

IV. Waiting on God increases my strength

Are you also in that familiar junction of waiting upon the Lord, either for a job, healing, restoration, in a relationship, or in need of wisdom to know where to go next. You might even be thinking God has forgotten you like the Psalmist who cried unto the lord. “How long, OH LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (Ps 13:1) is one that resonates within our own hearts.

As the Psalmist cried out to God in prayer and so should we. If you are in a place of waiting, this prayer is for you


  1. Oh Lord grant me the joy that comes from knowing you and being known by you in Jesus name

2. Forgive me for all my doubts, worries, and fears. Forgive me for my impatience as I wait in this place

3. Help me to remember that the same grace that saved me at the cross is the same grace that sustains me today.

4. Joseph waited in spite of challenges before his destiny was fulfilled. Oh God, help me to wait to fulfill destiny in Jesus name.

5. Pray and say, Oh Lord, help me to trust Like Abraham. Gen. 21:5

6. Pay and say, Oh God, Help me to see. When you can’t see clearly you request for an eyes glasses to aid you to see better. That is what God does too.

7. Pray loud and say, God help me to read and study your word. Matt 11-29 Jesus says ” learn of me”

8. May the words of the Psalmist apply to me “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope” (Psalm 130:5).

9. Help me to remain faithful in this place of waiting.

10. Help me to serve you and live for you even at this crossroads of my life. Help me to wait as long as it takes
in Jesus name.

  • Say now your personal prayers, God shall hear you in Jesus name.
  • Pray now with the theme of 2023 covenant prayer; oh Lord; send now upon me and my family, even collectively, our church, thy true Pentecostal power in 2023, that we may fulfill your purpose and live above power and demons in Jesus name, Amen


Oh ye month of October; I declare and decree that I and my household are free from all misfortunes destined in you and we hereby claim all the glory, greatness, joy, happiness, and other good things in you in Jesus name, in you we shall jubilate throughout in Jesus name.

Happy fasting & prayer period, we shall be answered in Jesus name.

Join us on ZOOM or MIXLR by 7pm

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