
12 DAYS WITH GOD – DAY 9 (12th Jan 2023)

Today’s prayer focus: Divine intervention

Esther 9: 1-30, Act 12: 1-18

Everybody needs divine intervention, a life without God’s mercy will be a striving and struggling one. Divine intervention is a time when God Arises and Fights for you or comes to your rescue.

Paul and Silas received this in prison and they got their freedom. A man was captured by terrorists who shot a gun several times at him, but the gun refuses to fire. They were confused and one way or the other, he escaped. The terrorist later saw the man and returned his phone and other items, then they asked him to know the kind of power he used. Do you know what happened later? The terrorist will be saved for Christ. That is an example of divine intervention. Today, the Almighty God will intervene in your matters and you will have your victory in Jesus name.

Let us pray

1. Oh Lord, arise and intervene in my life in all areas in Jesus mighty name.

2. Oh Lord, arise and surprise me with your divine mercy.

3. Oh Lord, intervene in my life and let my Jacob become Israel In Jesus mighty name.

4. Oh Lord, take me from where I am to where you want me to be with your mercy in Jesus name.

5. Oh Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, show yourself in my life this year 2023 through divine intervention in Jesus Mighty name.

6. Father, change my life to testimony by intervening in my life divinely in Jesus name.

7. Father; in this year 2023, show me your glory.

8. Father; remember me this year 2023 in Jesus name.

9. Divinely, Solomon reign over his brothers. Father; let me reign over my enemies.

10. Divinely, Queen Esther and Modercal, even Joseph became ruler in their time. Father; set me on high throne by your divine arrangement in Jesus name.
11. Oh Lord, by your divine power, let me be strong in serving you forever in Jesus name.

12. Pray more personally on this point for you and your family along with your loved ones.

  • Pray that, let me have the experience of like the apostles in the upper room. They were filled and their lives never remained the same.

Prophetic declaration into the month of September
Oh Lord, I decree and declare that everything that seems impossible in my life, become possible in Jesus name, and let me and my family not see any evil in this month of September 2023 but goodness in Jesus name.

Happy fasting period.

Join us on ZOOM or MIXLR by 7pm

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